Comparison/Contrast Paragraph
Comparison/Contrast Paragraph will tell the reader what is similar or different about two or more compared things. Usually the main emphasis is on the differences, but sometimes a paragraph describes both describes both similarities and differences.
When we compare two (or more) things, we tell what is similar about them. When we contrast things, we tell what is different about them. This pattern of organization is commonly used in everyday life. For example, we compare and contrast lecturers when we decide which classes to take. We compare and contrast products and prices when we shop.
There are two ways to organize a comparison/contrast paragraph. One way is called block organization, and the other way is called point-by-point organization.
1. Block Organization
In block organization, we group all the similarities together in one block and all the differences together in one block. Both model paragraphs use block organization. (See “Miller Medical Labs Memorandum”)
2. Point-by-Point Organization
In point-by-point organization, we write about similarities and differences by subtopic. (See “Right Brain/Left Brain”)
The organization we choose depends on our topic. In addition, whether we discuss more similarities or more differences (or both) depends on your topic.
1. A topic sentence for a comparison/contrast paragraph should name the topic and also indicate comparison/contrast organization.
- The left and right sides of your brain process information in different ways.
2. The supporting sentences will be organized based on the topic chosen whether we want to develop the topic by using block or point-by-point organization. For example, this paragraph will be developed on the basis of point-by-point organization.
- The left side is logical, rational, linear, and verbal. The right side, on the other hand, processes information intuitively, emotionally, creatively, and visually.
- Left brains think in words whereas right brains think in pictures.
- People who depend more on the left side of their brain are list makers and analysts. They are detailed, careful, and organized. In contrast, right-brained people are visual, intuitive, and sensual.
- When a left-brained person has to make an important decision, he or she makes a mental list of all the factors involved and arrives at a decision only after careful analysis. When a right-brained person has to make the same decision, on the other hand, he or she is more likely to base it on intuition and feelings. For example, a left-brained automobile shopper will consider a car’s cost, fuel efficiency, and resale value whereas a right-brained shopper bases a decision on how shiny the chrome is, how soft the seats are, and how smoothly the car drivers.
3. End a comparison/contrast paragraph with a concluding sentence. A concluding sentence for a comparison/contrast paragraph may repeat the main idea or a concluding sentence may also make a recommendation.
- Of course, no one is 100 percent left-brained or 100 percent right-brained. Although one side may be stronger, both sides normally work together.
Right Brain/Left Brain
The left and right sides of your brain process information in different ways. The left side is logical, rational, linear, and verbal. The right side, on the other hand, processes information intuitively, emotionally, creatively, and visually. Left brains think in words whereas right brains think in pictures. People who depend more on the left side of their brain are list makers and analysts. They are detailed, careful, and organized. In contrast, right-brained people are visual, intuitive, and sensual. When a left-brained person has to make an important decision, he or she makes a mental list of all the factors involved and arrives at a decision only after careful analysis. When a right-brained person has to make the same decision, on the other hand, he or she is more likely to base it on intuition and feelings. For example, a left-brained automobile shopper will consider a car’s cost, fuel efficiency, and resale value whereas a right-brained shopper bases a decision on how shiny the chrome is, how soft the seats are, and how smoothly the car drivers. Of course, no one is 100 percent left-brained or 100 percent right-brained. Although one side may be stronger, both sides normally work together.
Miller Medical Labs Memorandum
To : Director of Human Resources
From : Barbara Johnson, Interviewer
From the fourteen applications received for the job of receptionist, two applicants stand out. Following is a summary of their qualifications. Educationally, the two applicants are quite similar. JZ has completed two years of college, just as SW has, and their grade point averages are approximately equal. JZ’s one past employer was very positive. Similarly, SW’s past employer gave very high recommendations. Finally, both applicants can start work on the same date (June 1). There are two differences the job applicants that may influence the hiring decision. The first difference is that JZ’s job in a medical office included some contact with patients whereas SW’s volunteer work in the library and gift shop of a local hospital included no patient contact. Second, JZ likes to be part of a team while SW prefers to work individually. The hiring decision is difficult because both applicants are equally well qualified. However, JZ would be the better choice for the receptionist job because of her experience with patient contact and preference for working with other staff. If there is a future opening for a lab assistant, SW would be an excellent choice for that position
Name: _________________________________________ Smt : ___________
Sm : _________________________________________ Date : ___________
Evaluate Yourself
1. Did you come to campus on time this ……………………? __________
2. How many minutes did you come late? __________
3. Did you raise your hand fully from your heart? __________
4. How many times did you ask questions? __________
5. How many times did you answer questions? __________
6. How many times did you give opinions or additional idea? __________
7. Can you catch the material and share it to your soulmate? __________
Write your comment about yourself today
Evaluate Your Soulmate (Sm)
1. Did Sm come to campus on time this ……………………? __________
2. How many minutes did your Sm come late? __________
3. Did your Sm raise his/her hand fully from his/her heart? __________
4. How many times did your Sm ask questions? __________
5. How many times did your Sm answer questions? __________
6. How many times did your Sm give opinions or additional idea? __________
7. Can your Sm catch the material and share it to you? __________
Write your comment about your soulmate today
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